As humanity faces an impending apocalypse, every individual aged 18 to 55 is transported to the Whole Heaven Battlefield—a realm teeming with formidable demons, gods, and untold dangers. This battlefield also harbors a treasure trove of resources, cultivation secrets, and extraordinary opportunities for those daring enough to seize them.
Among the billions suddenly thrust into this new world is Chen Guo, a passionate gamer and novel enthusiast. He awakens in Beginner Village #996, possessing a Heaven-Divine Level Talent. His familiarity with fantastical worlds grants him an unexpected advantage as he navigates the challenges of the Whole Heaven Battlefield with his extraordinary abilities.
- e C1 Divine
- va C2 Surviva
- tl C3 Secretl
- ng C4 Forming
- I C5 Crazy I
- T C6 Level T
- as C7 Old Mas
- ng C8 Robbing
- ng C9 Killing
- in C10 Shakin
- p C11 Group
- A C12 Open A
- Wo C13 The Wo
- Ra C14 The Ra
- Sh C15 The Sh
- ur C16 Resour
- g C17 Being
- Bi C18 The Bi
- ne C19 A Gene
- se C20 Refuse
- Ko C21 The Ko
- rd C22 Reward
- st C23 Almost
- t! C24 Quest!
- Vi C25 The Vi
- t C26 Start
- Fi C27 The Fi
- De C28 The De
- ve C29 A Live
- em C30 Extrem
- on C31 Someon
- Sc C32 The Sc
- ge C34 Savage
- s C35 He Is
- Wa C36 The Wa
- Ko C37 The Ko
- A C38 Open A
- od C39 Explod
- ki C40 Breaki
- en C41 Golden
- Ca C42 You Ca
- y C43 Crazy
- in C44 Chasin
- Ex C45 The Ex
- Ri C46 The Ri
- as C47 It Was
- nc C48 Advanc
- an C49 Instan
- d C50 Blood
- pi C51 Sweepi
- in C52 Contin
- Fo C53 The Fo
- in C54 Killin
- in C55 Contin
- ng C56 Eating
- ur C57 Failur
- t C58 Great
- A C59 Epic A
- io C60 Missio
- T C61 Fair T
- el C62 Shamel
- ga C63 Arroga
- Ba C64 The Ba